Monday, April 26, 2021


This is a new article, which is a bit different from past ones and addresses more.


  What I share here comes from the wisdom of things I've experienced and things I've witnessed and things I deeply feel and know to be true. The things I share, which have not yet been publicly proven to be true, easily can be with the proper investigations and reports and I hope they soon are.
   I am not into "conspiracy theories" and feel sad that some important truths have been buried under this label and also that many important truths have been buried through being surrounded with things that are merely people's theories or suspicions, because these things have prevented the real problems from being faced and resolved. I wish for the confusion to be washed away and replaced with good old fashioned honesty and truth and the gathering of available proof, because this is what we all need and should have.

It is obvious that something horrible has been happening in our world. In order for things to get better, and for recovery to take place, the core problems must be fully realized, exposed and stopped.
Radio wave targeting is one of the vitally important truths that has been being washed away with the "conspiracy theory" label and this must stop. It may sound a bit like a sci-fi movie, but when we objectively look at the scientific facts the reality of it begins to become clear. Most of this is based on scientific facts and all the rest needs is the proper types of investigations and for people to listen to their own instincts, in order for the full truths to be known.
   It is a scientific fact that radio waves can be shot down to people's homes and businesses, from satellites, for the purpose of internet access...etc. It is a scientific fact that certain levels of some types of radio wave frequencies can interfere with natural body functions and create physical illnesses. This is most evident in the cancers that have been found in people who live near power lines.
   Some radio waves (electromagnetic frequencies) are harmful to people and it would be foolish of us to assume that there has been no criminal use of things like satellites, which are equipped with both surveillance systems and technologies that can emit and direct radio waves. The truth is that criminal use of radio wave technologies is so wide spread that it is a holocaustal situation, especially since around the 1950s.
   According radio wave expert, General Barrie Trower, microwaves (radio waves), can be shot into a person from space and can effect natural body functions in ways that create a large variety of physical illnesses, including heart failure, COPD, asthma, many cancers, diabetes and especially the new autoimmune diseases, like lupus. I believe General Trower because he is an expert and also because I have experienced and witnessed this reality.
   Among other things, in 2006 I was diagnosed with lupus and had dreams which showed me that the lupus was being caused by bad energy that was being directed at me by people who were in what appeared to be some sort of satanic occult. I've also had a dream which showed an upside down triangle in the sky shooting beams of energy into me as well as other people. I now feel certain that the energy, which made me ill, was radio waves and that it was done with space based technologies.
   Lupus was initially primarily being found in Native American women and the Natives of North America, as well as around the rest of the world, have been being heavily targeted. I am part native.
There are many people who have been being intentionally inflicted with physical illnesses, through radio wave targeting, and this is a very serious and real problem that must be stopped.
   It is also a scientific fact that radio waves, which are tuned to the same frequency as the human brain, can interfere with brain functions in many ways. And it is a scientific fact that these radio waves can transfer thoughts from the human brain into a computer to be read. The field of medicine has publicized this fact. The reverse can also happen - thoughts can be plugged into the brain through a computer. And these sorts of technological intrusions into the brain have been far more advanced for far longer than what has been publicly reported. They have not been publicly reported, because they have been being criminally used to manipulate people. The technological mind control is really happening.
   It has been scientifically proven that technological mind control is more effective on people who are taking the types of pharmaceuticals, which numb the brain, feelings and inner senses. These types of pharmaceuticals, which aid technological mind control have been found in public drinking water and have been being prescribed to masses of people. General Trower also reported that radio waves, when shot into the brain, can effect the brain in ways that create some the very same symptoms that have been being listed in the psychiatric DSM as "mental illnesses" since around the 1950s. Among the many effects are depression and anxiety and rage. Whole communities can be flooded with brain washing radio waves or individual people can be targeted in more severe ways.

On the milder scales of this problem there are masses of pharmaceutically numbed people who think they are free, but aren't. Whole communities can be flooded with brainwashing radio waves. In the general brainwashings people can be brainwashed into doing things like vote for a particular person or shop at certain stores or believe things that are not true or disbelieve things that are true...etc. The possibilities are endless.
   In destructive levels of it many people have been being pitted against each other, in both covert and overt wars between races, between citizens and governments, between government agencies, between the rich and the poor, between religions, between political parties, between countries, between loved ones...etc. It has been shoving people toward seeking vengeance instead of functionally resolving issues...etc., and with their minds and hearts numbed by the pharmaceuticals, their conscience and compassion are too blocked to stop them. There is much evidence of this in our world. The horrible discord and fighting must stop and freedom must be restored for everyone.
   In worst levels of this problem people have been completely enslaved and are no longer fully who they once were, and are tools for their controllers to use in any way they choose. I feel that at least some of the mass shootings have also been done by these sorts of severe mind control victims.

Technological and pharmaceutical mind control has been advancing at least since Nicola Tesla's technological inventions around the year 1900. And it appears to be happening, on a massive scale, since around the 1950s. Around 1900 is also when pharmaceuticals started being used more than plants for medicine. And it was around the 1950s when the field of psychiatry created the DSM, in order to drug masses of people. I am certain this is not a coincidence, because the pharmaceuticals aid technological mind control. The technological and pharmaceutical targeting of humanity is an enslavement of humanity and truly is the core problem behind most of the other problems, if not ALL the other problems, we are faced with, both inside and outside our governments.

This is a horribly holocaustal situation, that is led by evil forces, and has not only been targeting America, but all of humanity. Public awareness can make it lose a lot of its power. Once we are aware we can avoid the pharmaceuticals and second guess our thoughts and dig deeper into our hearts and instincts before we act or make important decisions.
   As we realize this we must be very careful to not misplace blame. One of the manipulations that has been happening with the mind control pushes victims to blame and judge the wrong people - people who are also victims.
   Some blame the government, but according to things I've witnessed and experienced, many government officials are also victims of the technological and pharmaceutical mind control. It has been evident in many of their behaviors too. People, from all walks of life, should be pulling together to help each other through this, instead of fighting against each other. Criminal use of space based technologies, which can emit and direct radio waves, and the administering of brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals, must be stopped ASAP. I beg all who read this to help in every possible PEACEFUL way, to restore Freedom to us all. ATTENTION OFFICIALS; The low frequencies of radio waves, that are used for mind control can be easily detected with radio wave detection technologies. However, I suspect that radio wave detection and blocking technologies, which government officials have been using, may have had a filter built into them in order to bypass the low frequencies that are used for mind control. And I suspect that certain modes of "protection" from the radio wave targeting may have actually been modes of enslavement. Please investigate these things IMMEDIATELY! Please protect yourselves and stand up for us and set us free. Please realize the core problem and do every peaceful thing you can to restore freedom and deliver the public awareness that will be needed for recovery.

I suspect that the brain and feeling numbing parts of psychiatric pharmaceuticals have also been put into other types of common medical pharmaceuticals (especially those which have been prescribed to a massive degree for new things like high cholesterol, in recent decades) and possibly even into some foods and vaccines, as well as the water...etc. I hope this is investigated.

The Plight of Heavily Targeted People

   Certain frequencies and intensities of radio waves can also be used to torture people, inflicting physical pain at strategic times. In this kind of targeting; victims are held under surveillance and have experienced things like being tortured with either painful or irritating blasts of microwaves or shots from laser weapons when they cry or when they get angry or when they try to enjoy a meal or when try to relax or when they are working or when they pray or meditate or when they talk or write about the targeting...etc. These torture victims often also experience being harassed and tormented by people who have been recruited into the evil covert program (secret society) that does the targeting. So, they not only get tortured with laser and microwave weapons, they also get harassed and tormented by fellow human beings in the places they frequently go to and sometimes even in their own homes.
   For decades now, aware torture victims (Targeted Individuals) have been crying out for help and striving to prove and expose what is happening, in order to get it to stop. A lot of ground had been gained in the exposing of it, from 2011 to 2014. There was even a congregational hearing about it. But there has been much interference and since 2014 victims have been being hurt even more, through being portrayed as dangerous and "mentally ill" instead of getting the validation, understanding, support and help that is needed.
   Since around 2014 those who do the targeting appear to be setting up controlled people (severe mind control victims) to do videos and commit crimes after proclaiming themselves as "Targeted Individuals," in order to make genuine torture victims look crazy and dangerous.
Both Aaron Alexis (the Navy yard shooter) and Myron May (the Florida college shooter) had publicly announced being Targeted Individuals who were being tortured and tormented, and both appear to have pre-planned the shootings with the intent of getting recognition for the plight of all Targeted Individuals. Carlos Greene (the recent Capitol gate crasher) appears to be another one. He had publicly posted things about being targeted, tormented, drugged and mind controlled, just before he drove through the gate and attacked police officers.
   I had felt that Myron was a mind control victim who was merely used to make torture victims look dangerous, as I watched the videos he made before he did it. It now appears that Aaron and Carlos were also. But were they also really torture victims who were convinced that violence was the only way to get the tortures to finally be acknowledged and stopped for all victims? It is horribly sad if this is the case, because that surely is not the way to get recognition and it has had the opposite effect.
The Aaron and Myron shootings, and the following news reports, appear to have severely diminished the chances for the truths to be known, because the media took off with public stories that portrayed Targeted Individuals as being "mentally ill" and dangerous! This was like pouring salt in the gaping wounds of all real torture victims.
   The lack of public awareness of the truths, and the negative portrayal of torture victims has prevented genuine torture victims from having the proper kinds of understanding and support and help here for them long before the shootings and now its worse. Deprivation of help and calling aware victims "mentally ill" is actually part of the torture process and always has been. The truth about the very real tortures and harassment and deprivation of help must come out, but how on earth could some victims be thinking that hurting other people will help this process? Before the shootings, people were being lead to believe that torture victims were crazy. Since the shootings people are also being lead to believe that torture victims are both crazy and dangerous. I still feel that mind control was what lead Myron to not only shoot people, but also possibly to think that it would actually help other victims, if he was really being tortured as well as being controlled. The shootings appear to be serving the evil forces that do the targeting and want to keep it hidden and prevent victims from speaking out. Prior to the shootings, victims were scared to speak out due to people thinking they were crazy. Now that people think they are dangerous too, it will prevent a lot of victims from ever saying anything and ever having a chance to get real help.

Are these shootings desperate torture victims actually thinking they are helping to get the tortures to be acknowledged and stopped, or are they only mind control victims being used to prevent help for torture victims through making them look dangerous, or both? It may be both.

Regardless of which one it is, this whole situation is indescribably sad, especially if most of the other mass shootings are the same sort of things. My heart aches for all the genuine torture victims who are now in an even worse predicament than before. My heart aches for all the people who have been hurt by the shooters. And my hearts aches for the shooters, especially if they were being tortured and intentionally driven to violence by the people who remotely target and/or control them. Its all just too horribly sad and wrong, every single part of it. The real criminals are the ones who are doing the torturing and tormenting. The core cause - the core wrong, which is behind it all, is the technological tortures and mind control.
   Perhaps this can be turned around, although the shootings are a horrible way to get the truths to be finally recognized. I do not condone them - it makes me feel sick to my stomach that they have been happening. I'm not an advocate of giving in to bully tactics, but this is a serious situation and the truths about the technological targeting HAS needed to come out into the open for many decades now. There has been a recent vamp up in shootings and this is very disturbing! I have a hard time imagining that the mass shootings are really being done by torture victims who are acting of their own free will, because the victims I've known are not violent types of people. But then, even kind hearted people can be driven to violence when being severely tortured. Is it possible that shootings really are being done by desperate torture victims who have been convinced that this is the only way to expose and end the hell for themselves and all other victims? Regardless of what the motivation is - if it is crimes being orchestrated to work against torture victims or vile desperation in real torture victims, if it can be stopped through the truths coming out, then the truths should come out. I beg all aware officials to stand up and pull the truths about the cruel technological targeting out into the Light and bring ALL levels of the hell to an end.
   The most dangerous things that humanity is faced with is the technological and pharmaceutical mind control and the technological torturing of human beings, and the silence and manipulations that have prevented the truths from being known, and have prevented torture victims from getting the proper kinds of understanding and support, and have prevented these holocaustal crimes from being stopped.

Genuine Targeted Individuals have been being hit hard from all angles, especially the ones who become aware. Once they become aware and start speaking out the targeting vamps up severely in efforts to discredit them and make them look crazy and have them silenced one way or the other. Their suffering is excruciating. They have been being either completely isolated from loved ones and all other sources of help or have been surrounded by loved ones who either think they were crazy, or who have been recruited into the covert program to be used against them - to help with the harassment and/or to help with the proclamation of "mental illness," in order to have the victim institutionalized. Many loved ones of torture victims are also targeted in the way of drugging them and making them severe mind control victims so they can be used against the primary target - the torture victim.

   ALL of the genuine torture victims, (Targeted Individuals) that I have personally known, are the types of people who have deep caring hearts - the types of people who would not want to hurt anyone - the types of people that evil forces want to destroy. They are not crazy and they are not dangerous. They were deeply loving people who wanted to make our world a better place. They were all focused on healing and bringing more Love into our world and on using plants for medicine, instead of pharmaceuticals...etc. They were all extremely kind and conscientious people, which appears to be why they were being targeted. I do not know if any of them have survived it. Some have been killed and some are missing.

Judging by what I've witnessed, most victims do not even know what is happening to them and don't stand a chance against the evil hell that targets them. Everyone should be made aware of the truths so that victims can understand what is happening to them and so that their loved ones and fellow human beings can understand and give the proper kinds of support and help.
   The real truths must become publicly known and the horrid crimes against all types of victims must be stopped and the victims of horribly destructive levels of torture and torment must finally receive the understanding and validation and support that has been desperately needed.
The truths also have to be known for the sake of the severe mind control victims who are used against torture victims, in multiple ways. They need to be set free too. Many of them have been completely enslaved and are victims of the evil program too, just in a different way - they are not tortured, but they are completely controlled and used. I believe that at least some of the mass shooters are severe mind control victims, if nothing else.

The enslavement and control of human being beings and the torturing and tormenting of human beings is a grotesquely holocaustal situation that is as inhumane as inhumane can get. I am merely barely touching the surface of it here. These are the worse crimes against humanity that have ever happened and they must be stopped through stopping criminal use of the technologies and stopping the real perpetrators from continuing to hurt or control people. In case you are wondering how I know all this, I am a torture victim and I have known other people who also were. A whole group of us were heavily targeted around the late 1980s and early 1990s. I share most of the most obvious parts of the targeting, which I've experienced, in my book entitled, "Yearn for Freedom," which is on Amazon.

The technological tortures can be aided by certain types of microchips. Some long term victims have the old large detectable types of microchips in their bodies, in locations where surgeries were commonly done by doctors who did things like tonsil surgeries. It appears that these large microchips were being installed around the 1950s. Many of these victims would now be in their sixties and seventies and will have the large types of microchips that easily show up on X-rays. It appears that this was mostly done to poor families. And I hope this evidence is found before we are all gone.
A doctor found a microchip that had been put into me. He was severely targeted and now appears to have vanished. It looks too late for him and I, but there are a lot of other long term victims out there and if they just had the proper kinds of help and investigations there is a lot of proof. Long term victims are also reported to have things like ridges on their finger nails, which is caused by the microwaving...etc. If you are in a position where you can, please help the truths to be known and the hell to be stopped so that those of us who are still alive can focus on healing instead of only on surviving the hell.

Criminal use of radio wave technologies must be fully exposed and stopped and prevented from ever starting up again, not only for the sake of torture victims, but also for the sake of freedom for all of humanity.

The technological and pharmaceutical enslavement of humanity, and the covert torturing and tormenting of the most loving human beings, is a grotesquely holocaustal situation that is as inhumane as inhumane can get. I am merely barely touching the surface of it here. These are the worse crimes against humanity that have ever happened and they must be exposed and stopped so that freedom can be regained and healing can take place, not only for the sake of torture victims, but also for the sake of freedom for all of humanity.

According to experts there are also dangers in the levels of frequencies that are used for internet and cell phones. We should look more closely at how harmful the common levels of radio waves may be and make the necessary changes. If there is even just a chance of them hurting children they should not be there. Keeping the vast majority of our communities free of all radio waves may also enable better detection of criminal use of radio wave technologies.
   Some people feel that the radio waves should be completely wiped out of our communities, but this would be inconvenient for people who have grown dependent on them, and it would create monetary losses for the companies that get paid for their presence. So, what is the solution? Below are some of my ideas.

1. The health and safety of our children, and ALL other citizens, is the most important thing, regardless of what types of inconvenience or monetary gains or losses may occur for some people. If there is even just a chance of them hurting children they should not be in our communities at all.

2. Out of consideration for people who want the radio waves, they could be kept in designated parts of our public communities and only kept in the businesses and homes that want them.

3. To be fair and considerate to people who do not want the radio waves; if the Wi-Fi and cell tower radio waves hurt even just one person in a community they should not be kept there, especially not in the vicinity of that person's home or places that person frequently goes and cannot avoid.

4. We must refrain from misplaced blame and assumptions and judgments. The truth is that most human beings have not been operating with their full faculties, due to the brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals and the radio waves. Without the effects of these things most people would be less greedy and less selfish and more caring and more considerate of their fellow human beings.
Many of us have been blaming all the problems on this person or that person or "conspiracy theorists" or "mental illness" or "God" or "terrorists" or "aliens" or "the government" or "the democrats" or "the republicans" or "the global elite" or "the new world order" or "the Jews" or "the covert war" or "the police departments" or "the media" or "the FBI" or "the CIA" or "the military" or "the Russians" or "the Germans" or "China" or "white supremacy" or the current aim for "black" supremacy...etc.
And the real truth is that, although some parts of the blaming are just, at least most of these people and places are also victims of the core problem of technological and pharmaceutical mind control, because it is so huge that it has infiltrated just about everything, everywhere. If we keep blaming and fighting each other we are merely adding to the problem, especially when we blame the wrong people or places. It is easy to misplace blame in the initial stages of realizing what is happening. I did some of this too. But we must refrain from it, because it really does just make things worse. Even when we know someone who is definitly involved in the targeting, the most important question we must ask is; have they been enslaved or brainwashed or deceived and unwittingly used by the real perpetrators or are they freely choosing to be a part of that evil force that wants to dominate and control and harm? And most of us can not know for sure without the proper investigations and HONEST medical tests.

There is very little that most of us can do about most of what has been happening, except realize it (regardless of who may be doing it) and focus on doing all that we can to take better care of ourselves and our loved ones and hold a compassionate and understanding hand out to our fellow human beings, and this is exactly what we should be doing.

As for investigations and tests and the stopping of these horrible crimes against humanity; there are officials, whose job it is to restore freedom and they are the ones who have the ability to do it. If you personally know any please forward this information to them. Though just about everything in our world has been crippled by the pharmaceutical and radio wave problem, I do believe that there are good decent officials, all around the globe, who are aware of this problem (at least to some degree) and are doing the best they can with what they have to work with. I hope enough of them are free to let their hearts bring all of the hell out into the open and to a complete end really soon.

We ALL must do our best to be in place of compassion for ourselves and each other, which will be a lot easier after everyone knows what has been happening and after the horrid targeting has been stopped. Please help spread the word.

Lead helps to block the radio waves and the types of surveillance, which sees through walls (like X-ray vision), and it should be brought back into the paint on our homes....etc.

World I See

What kind of world can my weary eyes See?
What kind of world must come to be?
A world where Love is valued most
And compassion is the constant Host,
A world where Hearts pick up paces
To lift broken people from wounded places,
A world where we weather the raging storms
And Heart is birthed from all that gets torn,
A world where the void of greed and hate
Is filled with Love by the hands of fate,
A world where all is in a state of repair
And none are left in deep despair.

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